The search for healthier lifestyles leads to reformulation of recipes, less processed and with more natural ingredients. Pastry can be considered as “healthy in moderation” thanks to innovation around better-for-you recipes. To guarantee a healthy intake, manufacturers have to work on adding superfood ingredients, fruits or protein. Then, it is possible to combine indulgence and health. Flavour remains a predominant purchasing criterion for the consumers in their choice of cakes. That is why companies have to innovate with unique flavours in order to appeal to consumers. The UK and France have the highest per capita cake consumption.
Source : Mintel – A year of innovation in cakes and sweet bakery, 2020
      In France, since January 2020, we can count no less than 62 innovations with fruit inclusions (pieces, dried or candied). Moreover, we distinguish at least 55 innovations of cakes with candied fruits: we can find particularly the Panettone, the Easter Dove but also madeleines and muffins. To support this change of consumption habits, Aptunion offers a product range ideal for the different segments of pastry. In various forms, our candied fruits, pieces and hearts of fruits allow to propose tasty but also natural products. They are formulations adapted to this kind of applications thanks to their technical characteristics (organoleptics, low activity of water, etc.)   Aptunion develops different flavours which correspond to the trends: blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, orange, lemon, etc. They are natural and preservative-free products. Moreover, relying on its know-how, Aptunion offers personalized solutions in order to meet the specific needs of its customers. To conclude, Aptunion answers to the growing demand of the pastry market and offers a natural and tasty alternative.   Source : Mintel – A year of innovation in cakes and sweet bakery, 2020 – Mikolaj Kaczorowsk